About CLEVER (FORSURE) College

Descriptive Background and Demographics.
The Clever (FORSURE) College is situated in Mwanza Municipal - nearest BOT college and Bonasera tourist camp Stop about 2 kilometers from the first round about in mwanza town center. The institution is owned by the board of trustees whose main Office are in Dar es Salaam. Clever College is an institution that was established in April 2007 and here in Mwanza was established in AUGUST 2022.The college to-date provide the following programs:Courses: Hotel Management, Tourism, Day Care Teaching, Plumbing,Full Secretarial, Electrical Installation, Information Technology, Computer Application and Languages. Also we offer free courses like life skills, communication skills, customer care and English course.
The graduates of the College at the end of their training are awarded Certificates. Clever College is a registered institution with National Council on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NACTVET) with registration number NACTE-REG/BTP/025P V:ETA VET/PR/2021/C/165
Our Vision
To become a global center of excellence in the area of training, innovation, character building and professionalism in world economy setting.
Our Mission
To provide quality education through teaching, research and field assessment..
"Join clever to be clever.."
Nimefurahi kupata huduma nzuri kutoka forsure. Nahata maendeleo ya mwanangu naona ni mazuri. Mungu awabariki kwenye utendaji wenu.
Excellet work. i like the website. Mko sehemu gani hapo mwanza?.
Safi sana. nimeipenda. mna kozi gani hapo?.